Posts by Arron Churchill

I am the resident software guru responsible for almost all of the code running Formula Pi.
I also write most of the on-board logic for our boards at PiBorg and the examples provided with them.

My interests in programming cover most things, but I am particularly interested in computer vision and low-level processing code.

Entry to the 2017 Winter series of Formula Pi is now open :)

To get your entry and YetiLid visit our PiBorg page: Formula Pi entry - Winter series 2017.


Here are our thoughts on Team Enigma's changes to our code.
Find out why they did so well :)

A quick look at how we measured lap times from our laser timing rig and then displayed them in our live stream.

Calibrated YetiBorg looking at the start lights

Find out how we calibrate the cameras on YetiBorgs.

Our post race analysis of how things went in testing round 1

We have now made entry to the 2017 Summer series of Formula Pi open to everyone :)

To get your entry and YetiLid visit our PiBorg page: Formula Pi entry - Summer series 2017.

Entries will close on April 30th.

Measuring the track changes

Working out where the track is going next.

Example of the processing results

We now turn our calculated points into position information.

Formula Pi logo

Now that our Kickstarter is over we have made entry to the 2016 Winter series of Formula Pi open to everyone :)

To get your entry and YetiLid visit our PiBorg page: Formula Pi entry - Winter series 2016.

Entries will close on October 31st.

Processing stage 8

A quick explanation of how to use the PerformProcessingStage function
